"I have been working with Kathy and her associates at Advise Advertising for over 12 years. Advise has helped me by handling the advertising and marketing responsibilities that I don't have time
for and that I don't fully understand. They built my new website and I am extremely happy with it.
I happily recommend Advise and have referred multiple clients.
Sharlene Bell, Owner/Founder Hunts Accounting, Inc. huntsaccounting.com read more
Advertising News
It may not sound like news but producing advertising that gets results is hard work. Taking the time to research, write and tell your audience they need you is no trick. Quality writing and great communication skills will always be a necessity. Digital technology has allowed us to communicate faster but speed is no substitute for quality. Taking the extra time to make sure your copy is good can make all the difference.
Our website is a place for advertisers to discover new things, to explore different ideas and hopefully get some useful information. While the purpose of our site is to generate new business we want our visitors to grow their advertising and marketing skills. Feel free to share your advertising successes and failures.
Communication in business is art combined with skill and the ability to sell an idea, concept, product or project. Great communication is when art and skill become unified to produce results." Kathy Mickelson, President/Founder
Are you getting the advertising and marketing results you need? If not, why not? No matter where you are spending your advertising budget i.e. internet, digital media, television, radio, print, etc. you can't afford to waste money.
Quote of the day-
...to help you develop an advertising and marketing strategy that produces results, introduce you to all available advertising tools, assist you in making informed decisions, help you choose which media is right for your business and how best to utilize them. If you find out the job is too big for you, then hire us! 801.446.7900
This website was written and designed with you in mind. We hope you can use some of the information provided. Please feel free to browse around and send us a note if you have any questions. Visit our Useful Tips page and see what you think.
Good ideas are like fireflies: one must capture them immediately or risk chasing and losing sight of them forever.
"Kathy and her associates at Advise Advertising were the agency of record for the Utah College of Massage Therapy Family of Schools for over nine years including my entire eight-year tenure as VP of Sales and Marketing. Kathy contributed heavily to successes in growing sales and profits for the UCMT family of Schools. Their strategic approach to budgeting, cost-control and data analysis helped catapult the small school into the nation's largest and most respected institution of its kind."
Kyle Garrett Former VP Sales/Mkting. UCMT Family of Schools. read more
Our Blog
Coming soon!
7 TIPSfor a GREAT website:
...the difference between advertising and marketing? Here you go:
Webster's defines them thusly:
ad.ver.tis.ingn 1: the action of calling something to the attention of the public esp. by paid announcements 2: the business of preparing advertisements for publication or broadcast.
mar.ket.ingn 1: the act or process of selling or purchasing in a market 2: functions involved in moving goods from producer to consumer.
Inside our website:
Top 14 advertising mistakes:
Internet advertising: Figuring it out
Website do's and don'ts
Television advertising pros and cons
Radio advertising pros and cons
1. Guide your viewer through the
buying/sales process.
3. Get anywhere you want to go in
one click.
4. NEVER confuse your visitor. EVER!!!
7. Use video!!!!
Your advertising tools-
...advertisingis the best possible advertising you can get. Generating word of mouth advertising is not so easy. The first step is to provide the absolute best service you can. Go beyond what is expected and people will talk. The same goes for poor service. "Bad news rides a fast horse". People will tell their friends if they are treated poorly. Great service is money in the bank, bad service is money running out the door. The second stepis to know your customer better than they know themselves so you can provide the best customized service possible.
Do you know...
Advise Advertising Consulting, Inc.
"Shooting holes in advertising is too
easy. Making it better is tough."
-Jay Conrad Levinson
? Ask us a question ?
"I would recommend Advise Advertising to anyone looking to improve their reputation, get their name out in front of potential buyers and cut cost in their budget while still getting the best ROI possible. Thank you Advise Advertising Consulting, Inc. for all your hard work and effort in making us the company we are today"!
Amber Cooke, Office Mgr. JandG Transmissions.com read more
Great service is money in the bank!
Quick laugh-
Your privacy is important to us. We do not share information with anyone. To prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy and ensure the correct use of information, we have put in place appropriate electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online. All monetary transactions are done using PayPal's secure server and encrypted checkout service. If you have any questions or concerns please call us at 801.446.7900 or e-mail us at: info@adviseadvertising.com. Thank you.
One more quote-
"Finally, and most important,
everything communicates--
everything you do or don't do
or say or don't say."-Sergio Zyman
"Communication is an art.
Copyright 2012 Advise Advertising Consulting, Inc. All rights reserved.
Word of mouth...
We can help! 801.446.7900
The Need for Great Copy
Advise Advertising Consulting Inc.'s Commitment to your Privacy
Another great Quote-